> Brewers > Wiseacre Brewing

City: Memphis, TN
Location: TN
Country: United States


Little Rock: 4 available
Raleigh: 2 available
Memphis: 2 available
Cordova: 5 available


Wiseacre 200 InfamousEgyptian Style Lager5%Draught 
Wiseacre 2nd BananaHefeweizen4.8%Can 
Wiseacre Adjective Animal Double IPAImperial IPA8.6%Bottle 
Wiseacre Adjective Animal Double IPADouble IPA8.6%Can 
Wiseacre Adjective Animal Double IPAImperial IPA8.6%Draught 
Wiseacre Admiral BenbowESB5.3%Draught 
Wiseacre Air BathSession IPA4.7%Can 
Wiseacre Air BathExtra Pale Ale4.7%Draught 
Wiseacre AmelioratorDoppelbock8.8%Bottle 
Wiseacre AmelioratorDopplebock8.8%Draught 
Wiseacre AnandaIndia Pale Ale6.1%CanYes
Wiseacre Ananda IPAIndia Pale Ale6.1%DraughtYes
Wiseacre Ananda Randalled with Mango and Chili PeppersIndia Pale Ale6.1%Draught 
Wiseacre Apricot Beach Within ReachFruited Berliner Wiesse7.5%Can 
Wiseacre Astronaut StatusImperial Stout10.5%Bottle 
Wiseacre Astronaut StatusImperial Stout10.5%CanYes
Wiseacre Astronaut Status 2023Barrel Aged Imperial Stout12.2%Draught 
Wiseacre Avast! Pirate PorterPorter5%Bottle 
Wiseacre Avast! Pirate PorterPorter5%Draught 
Wiseacre AzazelBelgian Strong Pale Ale10%Bottle 
Wiseacre Azazel 2017Belgian Strong Golden Ale12.2%Draught 
Wiseacre Azazel 2024Belgian Golden Strong Ale8.3%Draught 
Wiseacre Beach Within ReachBerliner Weisse4.2%Can 
Wiseacre Beach Within ReachBerliner-weisse4.2%Draught 
Wiseacre Bees in the TapAmerican Porter6.2%Draught 
Wiseacre Bird Upon A HippoBelgian Style Stout7.5%Draught 
Wiseacre BlackadactylBlack IPA7%Draught 
Wiseacre Boi ShortsAmerican Pale Ale5%Draught 
Wiseacre Boomslang Belgian IPABelgian IPA6.1%Can 
Wiseacre Boomslang Belgian IPABelgian IPA6.1%Draught 
WiseAcre Bow EchoHazy IPA7%Can 
Wiseacre Bow EchoNew England Hazy IPA7%DraughtYes
Wiseacre BubblesTripel8%Draught 
Wiseacre CalculatorDopplebock10%Can 
Wiseacre CalculatorDoppelbock10%Draught 
Wiseacre Cherry StylezFruited Sour6.6%Draught 
Wiseacre Comfort HunterIrish Stout5%Draught 
Wiseacre Dablooki SuitRoggenbier7.1%Draught 
Wiseacre Destiny Column Coffee Pale AlePale Ale5.1%Draught 
Wiseacre Double Ananda From OceaniaDouble IPA8%Draught 
Wiseacre Dr. GibblerSmoked Helles3.5%Draught 
Wiseacre Dry Hopped Ananda With NugzillaIndia Pale Ale6.1%Draught 
Wiseacre Dunkel PuppyDunkel Weiss5.2%Draught 
Wiseacre Eternal GeneralStout5.8%Draught 
Wiseacre Everlasting RainbowAmerican IPA7%Draught 
Wiseacre ExecutrixHefeweizen6.3%Draught 
Wiseacre Familie Freund AltbierGerman Altbier5%Draught 
Wiseacre Feelings FactoryAmerican Pale Wheat5.8%Draught 
Wiseacre FlightVarious Flight 
Wiseacre Frozen ToastWheat Wine11.1%Bottle 
Wiseacre Future AncestorBerliner-weisse5%Bottle 
Wiseacre Future AncestorBerliner-weisse5%Draught 
Wiseacre Gadzooks!Amber Ale5.9%Draught 
Wiseacre GemutlichkeitOktoberfest5.9%Draught 
Wiseacre Gotta Get Up to Get DownMilk / Sweet Stout6%CanYes
Wiseacre Gotta Get Up to Get DownMilk / Sweet Stout6%DraughtYes
Wiseacre Gotta Get Up To Get Down (Mexico Jesus Sabag Javier Geisha)American Stout5%Draught 
Wiseacre Holy CandyDubbel Ale6.2%Bottle 
Wiseacre Holy CandyDubbel Ale6.2%Draught 
Wiseacre Imperial Cherry Beach Within ReachBerliner-weisse7%Draught 
Wiseacre Irusu Rice LagerJapanese Rice Lager4%Draught 
Wiseacre Kerfluffle Oatmeal StoutOatmeal Stout5.5%Draught 
Wiseacre King BabyImperial IPA11.4%Draught 
Wiseacre Kling KlangAlt4.5%Draught 
Wiseacre Kung Fu Representative Imperial Brown AleImperial Brown Ale8%Draught 
Wiseacre Lightning RodExtra Special Bitter3.5%Draught 
Wiseacre Lord SkylarkAmerican Pale Ale6%Draught 
Wiseacre Love LightFruit Witbier4.7%Bottle 
Wiseacre Love Light Passion Fruit WitWitbier4.7%Draught 
Wiseacre Mango the Beach Within ReachBerliner-weisse4.2%Draught 
Wiseacre Memphis SandsHelles Lager5%Can 
Wiseacre Memphis SandsHelles Lager5%Draught 
Wiseacre Men not MachinesMaibock6.1%Bottle 
Wiseacre Migration of the Taco RaptorPilsner6.3%Draught 
Wiseacre Moon BiscuitsAmber Ale5.2%Can 
Wiseacre Moon BiscuitsAmber Lager5.2%Draught 
Wiseacre My So Called 90s BeerPale Amber5.6%Draught 
Wiseacre Neon BrownAmerican Brown Ale5.3%Can 
Wiseacre Neon BrownBrown Ale5.3%Draught 
Wiseacre OktoberfestOktoberfest5.9%Can 
Wiseacre OktoberfestOktoberfest5.9%Draught 
Wiseacre Parti-ColourGerman Pilsner5.6%Can 
Wiseacre Parti-ColourGerman Pilsner5.6%DraughtYes
Wiseacre Philbert Baltic Porter with HazelnutsBaltic Porter9.4%Draught 
Wiseacre Pleasure BargeBelgian IPA6.9%Draught 
Wiseacre Prank Calls to SatanBlack IPA7.8%Can 
Wiseacre Prank Calls to SatanBlack IPA7.8%Draught 
Wiseacre PuffelImperial Hazy IPA9%Can 
Wiseacre Quiet ManDry Stout4%Draught 
Wiseacre Quiet Man NITRODry Irish Stout3.2%Can 
Wiseacre RegularAmerican Pale Ale5.1%Can 
Wiseacre Regular Pale AleAmerican Pale Ale5.1%Draught 
Wiseacre Rockets in the ComplexAmerican Brown Ale7.6%Draught 
Wiseacre Roger the ShrubberMilkshake IPA7.4%Draught 
Wiseacre Saaz ElfCzech Pilsner5%Draught 
Wiseacre Schweinhelmut Berliner WeisseBerliner-weisse4.5%Draught 
Wiseacre Second BananaHefeweizen4.8%Draught 
Wiseacre Single Source of TruthSaison7.4%Draught 
Wiseacre Sky DogPilsner4%Draught 
Wiseacre SnowbeardBarleywine (American)9.5%Bottle 
Wiseacre SnowbeardBarleywine (American)9.5%Draught 
Wiseacre Special Regular IPAIndia Pale Ale7%Bottle 
Wiseacre Special Regular IPAIndia Pale Ale7%Draught 
Wiseacre Squirrel KingIndia Pale Ale7.2%Draught 
Wiseacre StarlessSchwarzbier5.3%Can 
Wiseacre StarlessSchwarzbier5.3%DraughtYes
Wiseacre Stiff PeaksVienna Lager5.5%Draught 
Wiseacre Strizzle BierAmerican IPA6.2%Can 
Wiseacre Strizzle Bier IPAIndia Pale Ale6.2%Draught 
Wiseacre Sun BumpBelgian Wit5.1%Can 
Wiseacre Sun BumpBelgian Wit5.1%Draught 
Wiseacre SurlaBelgian Table Beer4%Draught 
Wiseacre SymphonicAmerican Wild Ale6%Bottle 
Wiseacre TackyBelgian Pale Ale7.3%Draught 
Wiseacre Tacky IPAIndia Pale Ale7.3%Draught 
Wiseacre TarasqueSaison5.9%Can 
Wiseacre TarasqueSaison5.9%Draught 
Wiseacre The Beach Within ReachBerliner-weisse4.2%Bottle 
Wiseacre The Beach Within Reach - GrapeBerliner Weisse6.8%Draught 
Wiseacre The Beach Within Reach Berliner WeisseBerliner-weisse4.2%Draught 
Wiseacre Tiny BombAmerican Pilsner4.5%Can 
Wiseacre Tiny BombPilsner4.5%DraughtYes
Wiseacre Tiny BombPale Lager4.5%Draught 
Wiseacre Trees In The TapPorter4.7%Draught 
Wiseacre TRY Double IPAImperial IPA8%Draught 
Wiseacre Uncle PuppyWheat (Weizen)4.6%Draught 
Wiseacre UnicornucopiaSaison8.3%Bottle 
Wiseacre Unicornucopia 2016Double IPA11.9%Bottle 
Wiseacre Unicornucopia 2022Barrel Aged Belgian Tripel6.8%Draught 
Wiseacre Watermelon Beach Within ReachBerliner-weisse4.1%Can 
Wiseacre XanaduNew England IPA7.3%Draught 
Wiseacre Xanadu (can)New England IPA7.3%Can 
Wiseacre Young Turk Pale BockHelles Bock6%Draught 
Wiseacre ZoomiesCold IPA6.5%Draught 

134 beers found