> Styles > New England IPA

Parent Category: IPA

Style Traits:


Little Rock: 3 available
Houston: 1 available
Memphis: 2 available
San Antonio: 2 available
Cordova: 2 available
The Lake: 3 available
Sugar Land: 1 available
Cypress Waters: 3 available


Beer NameCountryABVServingStocked
(512) Juicy IPAUnited States6%Draught 
(512) Mango IPAUnited States6%Draught 
(512) NEIPAUnited States6.4%Draught 
11 Below Citra TimeUnited States6.2%Draught 
11 Below Daisy Chain Hazy IPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
1323 R&D Backspin NEIPAUnited States7%Draught 
2nd Shift Big Little HopUnited States8%Can 
2nd Shift River Des Peres White CapsUnited States5.5%Can 
2nd Shift Sunny CatUnited States6%Draught 
3 Floyds Barbarian HazeUnited States6.5%Draught 
4 Hands Smooth OperatorUnited States6.5%Draught 
4204 Main Street Wicked NectarUnited States5.7%Draught 
8th Wonder Cloud 8United States6.1%Draught 
8th Wonder Cloud 8United States6.1%Can 
Alaskan Juneau JuiceUnited States6.8%Can 
Alaskan Strawberry HazeUnited States6%Can 
Albright Grove Walden's RidgeUnited States5.9%Can 
Albright Grove Walden's RidgeUnited States5.9%Draught 
AleSmith Local OasisUnited States6.4%Can 
Alesmith x Alvarado Street Oso UnderUnited States7%Draught 
Alma Mader Habit LoopUnited States6.3%Draught 
Alma Mader Loss of TraditionUnited States6.7%Draught 
Alma Mader x Freemont Friends in ProximityUnited States6.7%Draught 
Anchorage Cross EyedUnited States6.4%Bottle 
Anchorage Cross EyedUnited States6.4%Can 
Anchorage In DeepUnited States6.4%Bottle 
Anchorage New BeginningsUnited States6.4%Can 
Anchorage Sound CrazyUnited States6.4%Can 
Appalachian Low & HazyUnited States4.1%Draught 
Appalachian Mountain Cloud Pleaser Thunder Cloud w/ MangoUnited States6.5%Draught 
Appalachian Tropical Cloud Pleaser IPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
Astral Astro GhostUnited States7.2%Draught 
Astral Double NebulousUnited States7.5%Draught 
Astral PsychonautUnited States6.9%Draught 
Astral Solar SqueezeUnited States6.5%Draught 
Astral Star ChildUnited States7%Draught 
Astral SupersonicUnited States6.2%Draught 
Austin Beerworks Invisible HandUnited States7%Draught 
Avery Hazyish - Avery 420 Tasting EventUnited States7%Can 
B-52 Brewing Looking Good BarryUnited States8.9%Draught 
B-52 Brewing Raspberry ShakeUnited States7%Draught 
B-52 Crucial IPAUnited States6.1%Draught 
B-52 No Emergency HereUnited States7%Draught 
B-52 PrimroseUnited States6.3%Draught 
B-52 Summer Wardrobe: ShortsUnited States8%Draught 
B-52 Szechuan SauceUnited States6.2%Draught 
B-52 Szechuan ShakeUnited States6.2%Draught 
B-52 TaedaUnited States6.5%Draught 
B-52 Wheez the JuiceUnited States5.5%Draught 
B-52 Wheeze the Juice Vic SecretUnited States5.5%Draught 
B-52 Wheeze the Shake RaspberryUnited States5.7%Draught 
B52 Szechaun Sauce Batch 2United States6.2%Draught 
Baa Baa Brewhouse Shear GeniusUnited States6.9%Draught 
Back Bay EphemeralUnited States6.7%Can 
Back Bay Orange CrushUnited States6.1%Draught 
Bad Astronaut Fake LandingUnited States6.6%Draught 
Ballast Point Passing HazeUnited States4.2%Draught 
Ballast Point Passing HazeUnited States4.2%Can 
Bear Republic Drift RacerUnited States8%Draught 
Bear Republic Thru the HazeUnited States6.4%Draught 
Bear Republic Thru the HazeUnited States6.4%Can 
Bearded Iris Another SuggestionUnited States7.8%Can 
Bearded Iris Another SuggestionUnited States7.8%Draught 
Bearded Iris Chasing RainbowsUnited States5.8%Can 
Bearded Iris EchoUnited States6.5%Can 
Bearded Iris Escape ArtistUnited States7.8%Can 
Bearded Iris Escape ArtistUnited States7.8%Draught 
Bearded Iris Fresh on FreshUnited States6.5%Can 
Bearded Iris Fresh On FreshUnited States6.5%Draught 
Bearded Iris Mood RingUnited States8.3%Can 
Bearded Iris WavelengthUnited States8.3%Can 
Beer & Wing Special: Parish Ghost in the Machine & Curry WingsUnited States8%Draught 
Beer & Wing Special: Real Ale Fresh Kicks & Bravado Crimson Buffalo SauceUnited States6.6%Draught 
Beer + Wing Special : Real Ale 23rd Anniversary & Yellowbird Habanero WingsUnited States6.7%Draught 
Belching Beaver Tropical TerpsUnited States6.5%Draught 
Belching Beaver x Deftones Digital BathUnited States6.5%Can 
Bell's Hazy HeartedUnited States7.5%Can 
Bell's Hazy Hearted IPAUnited States7.5%Draught 
Benford Brewing Blue HellUnited States5.7%Draught 
Benford Mama's Mango MilkshakeUnited States8%Draught 
Bentonville Clouded JudgementUnited States7.5%Draught 
Bentonville Silly GooseUnited States6.3%Draught 
Bentonville Space Goose Hazy IPAUnited States6.3%Draught 
Big Boss Flying Solo IPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
Big Boss Witch NEIPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
Birdsong Hazy Sexy Cool NE Style IPAUnited States6.5%Bottle 
Black Abbey Nice Nice Very Nice AmbrosiaUnited States6.9%Can 
Black Abbey Nice Nice Very Nice Ambrosia IPAUnited States6.9%Draught 
Blackstone Fancy BoyUnited States6.6%Draught 
Blowing Rock Cloud Rise Hazy IPAUnited States7.2%Can 
Blue Owl Bob's Your Uncle Juicy IPAUnited States6.2%Draught 
Boulevard Alpha VaporUnited States5.9%Draught 
Boulevard Space Camper Juice Nova SuperstellarUnited States9%CanYes
Boulevard x Pinthouse Pizza Pint-Sized Hawaiian Pizza PartyUnited States6.8%Draught 
BrewDog East Coast CrushScotland7.5%Can 
BrewDog East Coast CrushScotland7.5%Draught 
BrewDog Nanodog Shiny Flying ElephantScotland6.8%Draught 
Brooklyn Bodega RunUnited States6.7%Draught 
Brooklyn Pulp ArtUnited States6.5%CanYes
Brooklyn Pulp ArtUnited States6.5%DraughtYes
Brutal Beerworks And I Took That PersonallyUnited States9.4%Draught 
Burlington Beer Co. Back to the GardenUnited States7.7%Draught 
Burlington Beer Co. Elaborate MetaphorUnited States5.4%CanYes
Burlington Radical CandorUnited States6.2%Can 
Cabarrus Sew Juicy IPAUnited States6%Draught 
Captain Lawrence Interstellar Fog Galaxy, Zeus & MosaicUnited States8.5%Can 
Captain Lawrence Powder DreamUnited States7.5%Can 
Captain Lawrence Tears Of Green Galaxy & EllaUnited States7.5%Can 
Carolina Be Like Mike NEIPAUnited States5.8%Draught 
Celestial AestheteUnited States6%Can 
Celestial Andromeda DIPAUnited States8%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Beach BirdUnited States8.5%Can 
Celestial Beerworks Cancel CultureUnited States7%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Canimorphs: The TurtlelineUnited States7%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Chaotic OrbitUnited States7%Can 
Celestial Beerworks Chaotic OrbitUnited States7%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks ElectromagnetismUnited States7%Can 
Celestial Beerworks GeminiUnited States6%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks KeplerUnited States7.2%Can 
Celestial Beerworks KeplerUnited States7.2%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Launch PartyUnited States7%Can 
Celestial Beerworks Launch PartyUnited States7%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Science FrictionUnited States8%Can 
Celestial Beerworks ScrubsUnited States6%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Shadow SpottingUnited States7%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Single StarUnited States6.5%Can 
Celestial Beerworks Spectacular CollisionUnited States7%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Stellar RemnantsUnited States7%Can 
Celestial Beerworks Stellar RemnantsUnited States7%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks The TurtlelineUnited States7%Can 
Celestial Beerworks This Neon DimensionUnited States7%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks This Neon DimensionUnited States7%Can 
Celestial Beerworks To the Power of the Hour (^Hour)United States5%Can 
Celestial Beerworks Topwater BuzzbaitUnited States7%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks x Pizza Port California BeamingUnited States6.5%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Your Place in SpaceUnited States8%Draught 
Celestial Imaginary NumberUnited States7%Draught 
Celis Juicy IPAUnited States7%Draught 
Celis Juicy IPAUnited States7%Can 
Central State Sports TelevisionUnited States6.3%Draught 
Champion Brewing Vision QuestUnited States6.3%Draught 
City Barrel Killer QueenUnited States5.7%Draught 
Civil Society Pool FloatiesUnited States7%Can 
Clown Shoes Rainbows are RealUnited States6.8%Draught 
Clown Shoes Yeeehaaw!United States7%Draught 
Clown Shoes Zen GardenUnited States6.7%Draught 
Clown Shoes Zen GardenUnited States6.7%Can 
Collective Arts Hey, NelsonCanada6.8%Can 
Collective Arts Life in the CloudsCanada6.1%Draught 
Community A Long Winter HazeUnited States7%Can 
Community Hop Unity: YellowUnited States7.5%Can 
Community Hop Unity: Yellow EditionUnited States7.5%Draught 
Community Medical Grade HazeUnited States7.7%Can 
Community Orange DreamsicleUnited States8.1%Draught 
Copperhead Feeding FrenzyUnited States8%Draught 
Cowtown Everybody's Doing ItUnited States7.2%Draught 
Crane It's Just a PhazeUnited States5.5%Can 
Crosstown ChowdahUnited States6.4%Draught 
Deep River Donkey SauceUnited States7.7%Can 
Deschutes Farmstand Fresh MangoUnited States6.4%Can 
Destihl Dead Head Series: Touch of HazeUnited States7.3%Draught 
Destihl DeadHead IPA Series: Driving That HazeUnited States7%Draught 
Destihl Deadhead Soundboard: Lo-Cal Hazy IPAUnited States4%Draught 
Destihl FunkengruvenUnited States7.2%Draught 
Diamond Bear Broadway HazeUnited States6.2%Draught 
Dogfish Head Hazy-O!United States7.1%Can 
Double Shift Power MovesUnited States6.7%Draught 
Drake's Leisure SuitUnited States6.5%Can 
Dreamchasers Yard BreatherUnited States6.5%Draught 
Drekker Mass ShadowUnited States7%Can 
DSSOLVR Jump Off The EarthUnited States6%Can 
DuClaw Can I Get a Woop WoopUnited States7%Can 
East Sixth You Know You Want My Lovin'United States7.8%Draught 
El Segundo Change of PlansUnited States6.5%Draught 
El Segundo Change of PlansUnited States6.5%Can 
Epic Chasing GhostsUnited States10.3%Draught 
Epic CitralushUnited States6.6%Draught 
Epic Maximum CowbellUnited States6.5%Draught 
Epic New England IPAUnited States7.3%Draught 
Epic New England IPAUnited States7.3%Draught 
Epic New England IPAUnited States7.3%Draught 
Epic New England IPAUnited States7.3%Draught 
Epic New England IPAUnited States7.3%Can 
Epic New England IPAUnited States7.3%Draught 
Equal Parts 51United States7.4%Draught 
Equal Parts Inner Paths to Outer Space Vol. 6 Hazy IPAUnited States6.4%Draught 
Equal Parts Laser BulletUnited States6%Draught 
Equal Parts No BillboardsUnited States7%Draught 
Equal Parts No BillboardsUnited States7%Can 
Equilibrium Four FoursUnited States8.5%Can 
Equilibrium FractalUnited States6.8%Can 
Equilibrium Fractal GalaxyUnited States6.8%Draught 
Equilibrium Fractal Rakau/GalaxyUnited States6.8%Draught 
Equilibrium Light at the End of the TunnelUnited States6.8%Can 
Equilibrium Tie Dye ScienceUnited States6.5%Can 
Eureka Heights Business TimeUnited States7.5%Draught 
Eureka Heights Business TimeUnited States7.5%Can 
Eureka Heights Fruity Hazy Haze JuiceUnited States6.5%Draught 
Eureka Heights So Hot Right NowUnited States6.3%Draught 
Eureka Heights So Hot Right NowUnited States6.3%Can 
Fair State Mirror UniverseUnited States7%Can 
Fair State Party Forward (Btl)United States6%Bottle 
Fair State SkaflUnited States6.4%Draught 
Fair State x Barrel Theory Mister FalconUnited States7.3%Can 
Fair State x Hubbard's Cave TibannaUnited States6.7%Can 
Fair State x Hubbard's Cave TibannaUnited States6.7%Draught 
Fair State x Modern Times Spirit FoulUnited States6.3%Can 
Fair State x Modist Chill StateUnited States6.5%Draught 
Fair State x Modist Chill StateUnited States6.5%Can 
Fair State x Pinthouse Pizza Art & AgricultureUnited States6.7%Draught 
False Idol A Beer About NothingUnited States8.3%Draught 
False Idol Employee AgreementUnited States7.5%Draught 
False Idol Energy (Riwaka)United States6.5%Draught 
False Idol RagnarokUnited States6.5%Draught 
False Idol Respect My AuthoritahUnited States8.2%Draught 
False Idol Robbin' LiberaceUnited States8.3%Draught 
False Idol Smash for StacheUnited States6.5%Draught 
False Idol Twilight of the GodsUnited States6.5%Draught 
Fass All Green To MeUnited States6.6%Draught 
Fat Orange Cat Someone In My Head (big can)United States8.75%Bottle 
Fifty Fifty West Coast HazeUnited States6.3%Can 
Fifty Fifty West Coast HazeUnited States6.3%Draught 
Finback PremiumUnited States7.6%Can 
Firestone Walker Mind HazeUnited States6.2%Draught 
Firestone Walker Mind HazeUnited States6.2%Can 
Firestone Walker Propagator Blanc NoiseUnited States6%Can 
Foam Dead FlowersUnited States6.2%Can 
Fortnight All You Need Is HopsUnited States6.1%Can 
Fortnight Call the HopsUnited States6%Can 
Founders 4 Giants Tropical TreasureUnited States7.5%Can 
Four Corners Chingon Super Series Double HazyUnited States8%Draught 
Four Sons The Great OneUnited States9.9%Can 
Four Sons The Great OneUnited States9.9%Draught 
Free Roam Quick CloudsUnited States6.7%Draught 
Gizmo Fake NewsUnited States5.7%Draught 
Gizmo Fake NewsUnited States5.7%Can 
Gotahold Bury the HatchetUnited States6.7%Draught 
Gotahold Temporary RippleUnited States6.3%Draught 
Great Divide Hazy IPAUnited States6.2%Draught 
Great Heights Brewing DaisyUnited States6.4%Draught 
Great Heights Fruity PelletsUnited States6.2%Can 
Great Heights Fruity PelletsUnited States6.2%Draught 
Great Heights Haze Not HateUnited States8.2%Draught 
Great Heights Quite A PartyUnited States6.5%Draught 
Great Notion Return to SpaceUnited States7.2%Can 
Great Raft Barksdale BubbleUnited States6.5%Can 
Great Raft Barksdale BubbleUnited States6.5%Draught 
Great Raft Rindstone LifeUnited States7%Draught 
Great Raft Tropical in NatureUnited States6%Draught 
Great Raft x False Idol We Were Wolves OnceUnited States6%Draught 
Green Bench Turbid 7United States6.5%Can 
Grind City GodhopperUnited States6.5%Draught 
Grind City GodhopperUnited States6.5%Draught 
Hawk Moth Hazy and HoppyUnited States6.7%Draught 
Haze & Juice FlightNone Flight 
Heist CitraquenchlUnited States7.1%Draught 
Heist Flava In Ya Ear New England IPAUnited States7.1%Can 
Heretic Make America Juicy AgainUnited States6.5%Draught 
Hi Wire A Better WayUnited States7.5%Draught 
Hi Wire Hazy & Juicy & Hoppy & Fresh Citra & StrataUnited States8%Draught 
Hi Wire Illicit Hugz Hazy IPAUnited States6%Can 
Hi Wire PeripheryUnited States6.5%Draught 
Highland Zombie Story New England IPAUnited States7%Draught 
Holler 2 Hops This TimeUnited States6.6%Draught 
Holler Good Clean FunUnited States6.6%Draught 
Holler Haze AwarenessUnited States6.6%Draught 
Holler Hype PAUnited States7.4%Draught 
Holler Who Do You Think You Are? I Am!United States6.6%Draught 
Honky Tonk Country Style NEIPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
Hook Point Haze Gray & IPAUnited States6.6%Draught 
Hook Point Haze Gray and IPAUnited States6.6%Can 
Hutton & Smith Magic MamaUnited States6.7%Draught 
Hutton & Smith The PromenadeUnited States6.7%Draught 
Hutton & Smith Tiam Guava NE IPAUnited States5.7%Draught 
Hutton & Smith WillUnited States7.2%Draught 
Independence Occult ClassicUnited States5.2%Draught 
Independence Pure StokeUnited States7%Can 
Ingenious I'm On a Float: GrapefruitUnited States5%Can 
Jackalope Be LegendaryUnited States7.4%Draught 
Jackalope LeonidasUnited States6.1%Draught 
Karbach Light Circus Hazy IPAUnited States6%Draught 
Karbach Light Circus Hazy IPAUnited States6%Can 
Karbach New England IPAUnited States6.6%Draught 
Knee Deep 5 Blind Mice IPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
Kunstler Hop TeknikUnited States6.5%Draught 
Kunstler Hop TrainUnited States6%Draught 
Kunstler My MilkshakeUnited States6.5%Draught 
Lagunitas Hazy WonderUnited States6%Can 
Lagunitas Hazy WonderUnited States6%Draught 
Lakewood Fresh Cut HazeUnited States6.9%Draught 
Living Waters NymphUnited States7.5%Can 
Living Waters Seven Springs DIPAUnited States7.8%Draught 
Living Waters ShoalsUnited States7.8%Draught 
Living Waters SterlingUnited States7.5%Draught 
Living Waters SterlingUnited States7.5%Can 
Living Waters SutherlandUnited States8%Draught 
Lonerider Thorward ProgressUnited States7.5%Draught 
Lost Forty Blueberry Milk MoneyUnited States7%Can 
Lost Forty Juicy DetailsUnited States6.3%Draught 
Lost Forty Lost in Modern TranslationUnited States7.5%Draught 
Lost Forty SquirrelUnited States6.3%CanYes
Lost Forty SquirrelUnited States6.3%Draught 
Lost Forty Trash Panda - CitraUnited States7.2%Draught 
Manhattan Project 10 NanosecondsUnited States7.1%Can 
Manhattan Project 10 NanosecondsUnited States7.1%Draught 
Manhattan Project Blueberry 10 NanosecondsUnited States7.3%Draught 
Manhattan Project Particles CollideUnited States7.5%Can 
Manhattan Project Particles Collide BetaUnited States7.5%Draught 
Manhattan Project Particles Collide DeltaUnited States7%Draught 
Manhattan Project Particles Collide EpsilonUnited States7.5%Draught 
Manhattan Project Particles Collide GammaUnited States7.5%Draught 
Manhattan Project Particles Collide GammaUnited States7.5%Can 
Manhattan Project Particles Collide ZetaUnited States7.5%Draught 
Manhattan Project Quarter LifeUnited States4.9%Draught 
Mantra Humulus Project: RethinkUnited States7.2%Draught 
Maplewood Beyond NeonUnited States7.1%Draught 
Maplewood CrushinatorUnited States4.5%Draught 
Maplewood Juice PantsUnited States7%Draught 
Maplewood Juice PantsUnited States7%Can 
Martin House Battle Snakes vs. Slasher BadgersUnited States10%Can 
Martin House The Way HomeUnited States8%Draught 
Mason Ale Works Steampunk WillieUnited States7.3%Draught 
Maui OMGUnited States7%Draught 
Meanwhile Brewing Co. Glitter and DoomUnited States7%Draught 
Meanwhile Brewing Co. Glorious FiascoUnited States6.8%Draught 
Meanwhile Brewing Co. Outer BoundsUnited States6.8%Unknown 
Meanwhile Brewing Outer BoundsUnited States6.8%Draught 
Meddlesome Nuance is Dead Vol 4United States7.7%Draught 
Meddlesome Nuance Is DEAD Volume 5United States7.7%Draught 
Meddlesome Nuance is Dead Volume 8United States7.7%Draught 
Melvin Back In Da HazeUnited States6.5%Can 
Mikkeller Hang In ThereDenmark7%Draught 
Mikkeller Haze CadetDenmark7%Draught 
Mikkeller Murk And HoneyDenmark6.8%Draught 
Mikkeller Romeros Tasty TreatsDenmark6.3%Draught 
Mikkeller Windy HillDenmark7%Draught 
Modern Time TelestoUnited States7%Draught 
Modern Times Cosmic RaysUnited States6.5%Draught 
Modern Times Dingo MagicUnited States6.5%Draught 
Modern Times ElaraUnited States7%Can 
Modern Times ElaraUnited States7%Draught 
Modern Times ElectrojetUnited States6.8%Draught 
Modern Times Fountain of ParadiseUnited States8.5%Draught 
Modern Times Shark SaddleUnited States6.2%Draught 
Modern Times TychoUnited States6.8%Draught 
Modern Times Wizard NebulaUnited States7.5%Draught 
Mother's Atomic Mom Hazy IPAUnited States6%Draught 
Mother's Sunshine ChugsuckleUnited States6.5%Bottle 
Mother's/Rebel Kettle Hipster BananaUnited States7%Draught 
Moylan's Haze Craze New England IPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
New Anthem Shade CitraUnited States6.9%Draught 
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger 1985 IPAUnited States6.7%Can 
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger American Haze IPAUnited States5%Draught 
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger American Haze IPAUnited States5%Can 
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Blaze LightningUnited States7.3%Can 
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Juicifer IPAUnited States7.7%Draught 
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Starship IPAUnited States7.7%Draught 
New England IPA Flight 2021None Flight 
New Holland Hazy RiverUnited States5.9%Can 
New Magnolia WYSIWYGUnited States5.4%Draught 
New Province EscapeUnited States6.3%Can 
New Province Hazy Philosopher KingUnited States6%Can 
New Province Holding Hands Passionfruit IPAUnited States6.3%Can 
New Province Holding Hands Passionfruit IPAUnited States6.3%Draught 
New Province Particulate MatterUnited States4.7%Draught 
New Province TropicUnited States6.3%Draught 
New Province West Hudson Hazy IPAUnited States6.3%Draught 
No Label MangalorianUnited States6.9%Draught 
No Label Mango Milkshake IPAUnited States6.7%Draught 
No Label Sitting SidehazeUnited States6.7%Draught 
No Label Sitting SidehazeUnited States6.7%Can 
No Label x Bedrock City Comics Up Up & AwayUnited States6.4%Draught 
NoDa Good Will Hopping IPAUnited States7.4%Can 
NoDa Nebulous IPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
NOLA Bad Descision LemurUnited States7.3%Can 
NOLA Bad Descision LemurUnited States7.3%Draught 
NOLA Call Your MomUnited States6.5%Draught 
NOLA Call Your MomUnited States6.5%Can 
NOLA Finally WeightlessUnited States6.9%Draught 
NOLA Finally WeightlessUnited States6.9%Can 
NOLA HopitoulasUnited States6%Can 
NOLA Island RemedyUnited States7.8%Can 
NOLA Island RemedyUnited States7.8%Draught 
NOLA Moon ShoesUnited States7%Can 
NOLA Must Have Been The Wrong TimeUnited States7%Can 
Nola Must Have Been the Wrong TimeUnited States7.5%Draught 
NOLA Pineapple Upside Down CakeUnited States7.8%Can 
NOLA Pothole SlalomUnited States7.9%Can 
NOLA Spud HeavyUnited States7.8%Can 
NOLA Spud HeavyUnited States7.8%Draught 
NOLA Suburban SherpaUnited States6.5%Can 
NOLA x Hi Wire Flippy FloppyUnited States7.8%Draught 
NOLA x HI-Wire Flippy FloppyUnited States7.8%Can 
North Peak Stormy NEIPAUnited States7.2%Draught 
Octopi Brewing Galaxy IPAUnited States5.5%Can 
ODD Muse Customized SolutionsUnited States7.8%Can 
Odd Side Ales Apricot Dank JuiceUnited States7%Can 
Odd Side Ales Cat in the WallUnited States7%Can 
Odd Side Ales Citra Dank JuiceUnited States7%Draught 
Odd Side Ales Mango Peach Dank JuiceUnited States7%Draught 
Odd Side Ales Mosaic Dank JuiceUnited States7%Can 
Odd Side Ales Passion Dank JuiceUnited States7%Draught 
Odd Side Ales Pink Guava Dank JuiceUnited States7%Can 
Odd Side Ales Pink Guava Dank JuiceUnited States7%Draught 
Odd Side Ales ShadynastyUnited States7%Can 
Odd Side Tangerine Dank JuiceUnited States6.8%Can 
Oddwood Ethics & StandardsUnited States6.8%Draught 
Odell Hazer TagUnited States6%Draught 
Odell Hazer TagUnited States6%CanYes
Odell Pulp TheoryUnited States7.5%Draught 
Offshoot Beer Co. Pathways IPAUnited States7%Draught 
Offshoot Beer Co. Relax (It's Just a Hazy IPA)United States6.8%Draught 
Old Nation M-43 New England IPAUnited States6.8%CanYes
Old Nation M-43 New England IPAUnited States6.8%Draught 
Old Nation M-43 Tart StrawberryUnited States6.8%Can 
Ommegang Neon BoodlesUnited States6.8%Can 
Orpheus Elusory IPAUnited States6.7%Can 
Other Half DonutsUnited States7.5%Draught 
Other Half x Pinthouse Pizza Breakfast TacoUnited States CanYes
Outer Range Blocks of LightUnited States6.2%Draught 
Outer Range Colorado Cou CouUnited States7.2%Draught 
Outer Range Colorado Cou CouUnited States7.2%Can 
Outer Range In The SteepUnited States6.9%Draught 
Outer Range In The SteepUnited States6.9%Can 
Outer Range Pillow StacksUnited States7.6%Draught 
Outer Range SendyUnited States7%Draught 
Ozark and Toppling Goliath Lake House HazeUnited States7%Draught 
Ozark Galaxy GaloraxyUnited States5.5%Draught 
Ozark HazeUnited States6%Draught 
Ozark Sunday PiratesUnited States6.7%Can 
Parish BloomUnited States6.7%Draught 
Parish BraincakeUnited States5%Can 
Parish Dr. JuiceUnited States6%Draught 
Parish No Slaw Extra ToastUnited States7%Draught 
Parish No Slaw Extra ToastUnited States7%Can 
Parish Nova VertUnited States6.8%Draught 
Parish Pure TropicsUnited States7%Draught 
Parish Pure TropicsUnited States7%Bottle 
Peticolas Don't Think It - Won't HappenUnited States7.5%Draught 
Peticolas Long Distance RelationshipUnited States7.5%Draught 
Pinthouse Island KittyUnited States6.5%Draught 
Pinthouse Pizza Cosmic NectarUnited States8%Draught 
Pinthouse Pizza Thunder WorldUnited States7.9%Draught 
Pinthouse Pizza ThunderworldUnited States7.9%Can 
Pipeworks Excellent ExpeditionUnited States7.5%Can 
Pipeworks Unofficial Beer SponsorUnited States6.5%Can 
Pontoon We're Gonna Need a Bigger PontoonUnited States8%Can 
Prairie Happy Y'allidays Hazy IPAUnited States6.8%Can 
R&D Backspin Hazy New England IPAUnited States7%Draught 
R&D Shake It NEIPAUnited States7.6%Draught 
Rahr & Sons Hazy DCUnited States6.7%Draught 
Real Ale Citrus Got RealUnited States6%Draught 
Real Ale Fresh KicksUnited States6.6%Draught 
Real Ale Fresh KicksUnited States6.6%Can 
Real Ale SkullberryUnited States6.2%Draught 
Real Ale SkullberryUnited States6.2%Can 
Real Ale x Stella Public House Public HazeUnited States6.6%Draught 
Revelry Never SunnyUnited States7%Draught 
Revision Brewing Disco NinjaUnited States7%Can 
Revolver Hop DeviceUnited States5.2%Can 
River Rat Astronaut SauceUnited States5.4%Draught 
Roak HopgazerUnited States6.7%Draught 
Roughtail Hail Jucifer (2019)United States6.66%Draught 
Roughtail Hail JuiciferUnited States6.66%Can 
Roughtail Hail JuiciferUnited States6.66%Draught 
Roughtail Synaptic StaticUnited States8.5%Can 
Roughtail True PolymorphUnited States7.8%Draught 
Saint Arnold Noble HazeUnited States7.8%Can 
Saint Arnold Noble HazeUnited States7.8%Draught 
Saint Arnold Not a CollaborationUnited States7.1%Draught 
Saloon Door Doc HoppidayUnited States6.3%DraughtYes
Scofflaw Basement IPAUnited States7.5%Draught 
Sierra Nevada Beer Camp Across the World: East Meets West IPAUnited States7%Draught 
Sierra Nevada Cool Little ThingUnited States7.5%Can 
Sierra Nevada Holiday HazeUnited States6.5%Bottle 
Sigma 51United States7.4%Can 
Sigma 51United States7.4%Draught 
Sixpoint Party HatUnited States7%Can 
Sixpoint SparklerUnited States7%Draught 
Sixpoint SparklerUnited States7%Can 
Sixpoint Spritzer BombUnited States8%Can 
Sloop Adult Beverage NEIPAUnited States7.2%Can 
Sloop Cold Side NEIPAUnited States6%Can 
Sloop Peaks & Valleys (can)United States6%Can 
Sloop Tubular BombUnited States6.5%Can 
Smith & Lentz Posterized IPAUnited States6.7%Draught 
Smith and Lentz Get NetUnited States6.5%Draught 
Social Project Rivers and RoadsUnited States7%Draught 
Soul & Spirits Hopperbolic IPAUnited States6.7%Can 
Southern Grist Always SomethingUnited States8.3%Can 
Southern Grist CollideUnited States6%Can 
Southern Grist DDH Mixed Greens 52United States6.2%Draught 
Southern Grist East Side VibesUnited States6.5%Draught 
Southern Grist Imperial Hazy BroconutUnited States8%Can 
Southern Grist Insert Juicy PunUnited States8%Draught 
Southern Grist MarbitsUnited States6%Can 
Southern Grist TealUnited States5.8%Draught 
Southern Grist TealUnited States5.8%Can 
Southern Grist Unidentified Fruited Object IPAUnited States6.2%Draught 
Southern Pines Amarillo KISSUnited States6%Draught 
Southern Pines Capri IPAUnited States6.8%Draught 
Southern Pines Citra KissUnited States6.1%Draught 
Southern Pines El Dorado KissUnited States6.1%Draught 
Southern Pines Mango Peach ThiefUnited States6.5%Draught 
Southern Pines Mosaic AF The ReduxUnited States6.1%Draught 
Southern Pines Pineapple ThiefUnited States6.5%Can 
Southern Pines Pineapple ThiefUnited States6.5%Draught 
Southern Range HopsequencesUnited States6.9%Draught 
Southern Star Daisy Chain 2019United States5.5%Draught 
Spindeltap JuicetonUnited States8.5%Bottle 
Spindletap 5% TintUnited States5%Draught 
Spindletap 5% TintUnited States5%Can 
Spindletap Aggressive AdditionsUnited States7.5%Draught 
Spindletap Bull RushUnited States8%Draught 
Spindletap Bull RushUnited States8%Can 
SpindleTap Draped UpUnited States6.8%Can 
Spindletap Draped UpUnited States6.8%Draught 
Spindletap Heavy HandsUnited States8%Draught 
Spindletap Heavy HandsUnited States8%Can 
Spindletap Hops DropUnited States6.5%Can 
Spindletap Houston HazeUnited States6.5%Draught 
Stone Delicious Hazy IPAUnited States7.7%DraughtYes
Stone Delicious Hazy IPAUnited States7.7%Can 
Stone Hazy IPAUnited States6.7%CanYes
Stone Hazy IPAUnited States6.7%DraughtYes
Stone Mojay IPAUnited States7.6%Draught 
Sun Lab Feeling NiceUnited States7%Draught 
Sun Lab Hit ListUnited States7%Draught 
Sun Lab Sun HazeUnited States6.5%CanYes
SupersonicUnited States6.2%Draught 
SweetWater H.A.Z.Y. IPAUnited States6.2%Draught 
SweetWater H.A.Z.Y. IPAUnited States6.2%Can 
Symbol Brewing Co. Low VisibilityUnited States7.3%Draught 
Symbol Hazy Hop BombUnited States6.5%Can 
Tailgate Battle SteedUnited States6.5%Can 
Tailgate Howdy CloudyUnited States4.5%Draught 
Tennessee Brew Works New England IPAUnited States6%Draught 
Tennessee Brew Works Tangerine WaltzUnited States6.1%Draught 
Terrapin High & Hazy IPAUnited States5.8%Can 
Terrapin High & Hazy IPAUnited States5.8%DraughtYes
Texas Beer Co. Suds IPAUnited States7%Can 
Texas Leaguer LeaguerUnited States7.5%Draught 
Texas Leaguer Leaguer - Talus, Comet, and MosaicUnited States7.5%Draught 
Texas Leaguer Leaguer IPAUnited States7.5%Can 
The Brewing Projekt Dare Mighty ThingsUnited States6.4%Draught 
The Collective Brewing Project Coconut Brett shakeUnited States6.5%Draught 
The Collective Brewing Project Hooray for MeUnited States7.1%Draught 
The Veil Broz Day Off 4United States4.5%Draught 
The Veil Master Shredder: EnhancedUnited States5.5%Can 
The Veil NeedyUnited States6.1%Can 
Threes Logical ConclusionUnited States7%Can 
To Øl 3x Yeastus: Instant Crush Brett EditionDenmark7.5%Can 
Toppling Goliath Flying SeahorsesUnited States7.8%Draught 
Toppling Goliath Forced FlairUnited States7.8%Draught 
Toppling Goliath NugMoUnited States6.7%Draught 
Toppling Goliath Pompeii BeachUnited States5.7%Draught 
Toppling Goliath Witch's BroomUnited States7.8%Draught 
Torn Label High TaiUnited States6.5%Draught 
Torn Label Young DankensteinUnited States6%Draught 
Trillium Congress Street IPAUnited States7.2%Draught 
Trillium TrailsideUnited States6.8%Can 
TrimTab Body ElectricUnited States7%Draught 
TrimTab ContinuumUnited States8.2%Draught 
Triple C Flat BrimUnited States5.2%Draught 
Triple C Not Just N.E. IPAUnited States Draught 
Tripping Animals ElevenUnited States6%Draught 
Tripping Animals Groovy NightsUnited States6.5%Can 
Trophy 6th ManUnited States6.5%Draught 
Trophy Cloud SurferUnited States6.1%Can 
Trophy This Is A Movement Not A MomentUnited States6.2%Draught 
Trophy Unfiltered ArtUnited States6.2%Draught 
True Anomaly Go Flight IPAUnited States7.2%Can 
True Anomaly Go Flight IPAUnited States7.2%Draught 
Tupps All Citra DDH IPAUnited States7.9%Draught 
Tupps Alpha DropUnited States7%Draught 
Tupps DDH Alpha DropUnited States7%Draught 
Tupps DDH IPA O NegativeUnited States8.1%Can 
Tupps DDH Series #18United States10%Draught 
Tupps DDHIPAUnited States6.8%Draught 
Tupps DDHIPA Series #16: Blood Orange IPAUnited States7.1%Draught 
Tupps DDHIPA Series 12: Key Lime PieUnited States7%Can 
Tupps R.I.P. 2020United States6.6%Can 
Tupps R.I.P. 2021United States7.1%Draught 
Tupps R.I.P. 2022United States7%Draught 
Tupps R.I.P. 2022United States7%Can 
TUPPS R.I.P. 2024United States7.2%Can 
Turning Point $GalaxyUnited States8.2%Draught 
Turning Point A Nu StartUnited States10.5%Draught 
Turning Point Baby LegsUnited States6%Draught 
Turning Point Cognitive DissonanceUnited States6.8%Draught 
Turning Point DDH Extra PulpUnited States7.3%Draught 
Turning Point DDH Some PulpUnited States5.8%Draught 
Turning Point Freak in the FridgeUnited States6.8%Draught 
Turning Point JovieUnited States7%Draught 
Turning Point Look At Me!United States7.2%Draught 
Turning Point McClaneUnited States6.8%Draught 
Turning Point McClaneUnited States6.8%Can 
Turning Point Somebody Sip MeUnited States8.2%Draught 
Turning Point SwearwolvesUnited States8.2%Draught 
Turning Point Turkey & GravyUnited States8.2%Draught 
Turning Point You Son of a Bitch, I'm InUnited States7%Draught 
Two Blokes Wicked Throat ChamahUnited States7.2%Draught 
Uinta Hazy NoshUnited States5%Can 
Untitled Art Blueberry SmoothieUnited States7%Draught 
Untitled Art Juice Drops Kiwi Wai-itiUnited States7.5%Draught 
Untitled Art Juicy IPAUnited States6%Draught 
Untitled Art Pineapple SultanaUnited States7.6%Draught 
Untitled Art x Lupulin Brewing NEIPAUnited States6%Can 
Untitled Art x Toppling Goliath Juice Drops Mango LotusUnited States7.5%Can 
Untitled Art x Toppling Goliath Juice Drops Mango LotusUnited States7.5%Draught 
Upland Juiced In TimeUnited States6.5%Draught 
Urban Chestnut Hallertau HazeUnited States6.7%Can 
Urban Chestnut Hazy McHazersonUnited States7.8%Draught 
Urban South Grapefruit Holy RollerUnited States6.3%Can 
Urban South Grapefruit Holy RollerUnited States6.3%DraughtYes
Urban South Holy RollerUnited States6.3%DraughtYes
Urban South Holy RollerUnited States6.3%Can 
Urban South HTX Holy RollerUnited States6.3%Draught 
Victory Cosmic ConnectionUnited States8%Can 
Wanderlinger Joose CabooseUnited States6%Draught 
Weldwerks Vampirate II: Space BloodUnited States6.8%Draught 
Westbrook Rinse & Repeat Hallertau Blanc (16oz. CAN)United States7%Bottle 
Westbrook Santa ClawUnited States7.5%Can 
Weyerbacher Mean SqueezeUnited States7%Draught 
Weyerbacher Mean Squeeze NE IPAUnited States7%Can 
Whole Foods Market Brewing Company DL Double IPAUnited States8.2%Draught 
Wild Acre Juicy Bingo v.4United States7.8%Draught 
Wild Acre Juicy Bingo: Series 2United States7.8%Can 
Wild Mind Rented LuxuryUnited States6.8%Can 
Wild Mind Screaming DawnUnited States6.4%Can 
Wise Man Conceited Genius 2.0 New England IPAUnited States6.1%Can 
Wise Man Improbable DreamUnited States5.4%Draught 
Wiseacre XanaduUnited States7.3%Draught 
Wiseacre Xanadu (can)United States7.3%Can 
Xul Rhymes Like DimesUnited States6.5%Can 
Yazoo Calla IPAUnited States6%Can 
Yazoo Calla IPAUnited States6%Draught 
Yazoo Hopry Hazy IPAUnited States5.9%Draught 
Zipline Cloudlifter Hazy IPAUnited States7%Can 

639 beers found