> Brewers > New Holland Brewing Company

City: Holland, Michigan
Location: MI
Country: United States


Fort Worth: 2 available
Little Rock: 1 available
Raleigh: 1 available
Memphis: 1 available
San Antonio: 1 available
Charlotte: 1 available
Cordova: 1 available
The Lake: 1 available
Sugar Land: 4 available


Dragon’s Milk Reserve: Rye Barrel-Aged Stout With Cinnamon, Toasted Chilies And Vanilla ExtractAmerican Imperial Stout11.8%Bottle 
New Holland Baltic AnamolyBaltic Porter8.5%Draught 
New Holland Beerhive TripelTripel8.47%Bottle 
New Holland Beerhive TripelTripel8.47%Draught 
New Holland Black HatterBlack IPA5.5%Draught 
New Holland Black TulipBelgian Strong Ale9%Bottle 
New Holland Black TulipBelgian Strong Ale9%Draught 
New Holland Blue GoatDopplebock Bottle 
New Holland Blue SundaySour Ale7%Bottle 
New Holland Blue SundaySour Ale8.7%Draught 
New Holland Brother JacobBelgian Style Ale Draught 
New Holland Cabin FeverBrown Ale6%Bottle 
New Holland Cabin FeverBrown Ale6%Can 
New Holland Cabin FeverBrown Ale6%Draught 
New Holland Charkoota RyeDopplebock7.75%Bottle 
New Holland Charkoota RyeDopplebock7.75%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Crimson KeepImperial Red Ale11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Mexican CakeBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Raspberry LemonImperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve - Coconut Rum BarrelBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve - Coconut Rum BarrelBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve - Salted CaramelBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve - Salted CaramelBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve - Triple Mash StoutBarrel Aged Imperial Stout14%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve - Triple Mash StoutImperial Stout14%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve #1Rum Barrel Aged Imperial Stout12.5%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve Cherry ChocolateBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve Chocolate & OrangeBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve Chocolate & OrangeBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve Maple OakBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve Mocha MintBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve Mocha MintBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve Rum Barrel Aged w/ CoconutBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve S'moresBourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve S'moresAmerican Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve w/ Chocolate & CoffeeBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve w/ Toasted ChiliesImperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve with Banana & CoconutImperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve with Banana and CoconutImperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve with Cherries & ChocolateImperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve with Cherries & ChocolateImperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve with Peanut Butter & Cocoa NibsImperial Stout10%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve with Salted CaramelImperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve-Double Bourbon BA with Double VanillaBarrel Aged Imperial Stout12.3%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: 2022Barrel Aged Imperial Stout11.8%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: Coffee and Chocolate (BLT)Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: Oatmeal CookieBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: Oatmeal CookieBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: Peanut Butter & Cocoa NibsImperial Stout10%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: Raspberry HibiscusBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: Scotch Barrel AgedScotch Barrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: Scotch Barrel Marshmallow & Dark ChocolateBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: Scotch Barrel Marshmallow and Dark ChocolateScotch Barrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: StroopwafelBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve: StroopwafelBarrel Aged Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk Solera Foeder-Aged AleBarrel Aged Imperial Stout10%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk w. Coffee and ChocolateImperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragon's Milk w/ ChilisImperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragon's Milk WhiteAmerican Stout6%Can 
New Holland Dragon's Milk WhiteAmerican Stout6%Draught 
New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve: Rye Barrel-Aged Stout With Cinnamon, Toasted Chilies And Vanilla ExtractAmerican Imperial Stout11.8%Bottle 
New Holland Dragons MilkImperial Stout11%BottleYes
New Holland Dragons MilkImperial Stout11%Cask 
New Holland Dragons MilkImperial Stout11%DraughtYes
New Holland Dragons Milk 2008Imperial Stout9%Draught 
New Holland Dragons Milk 2015Imperial Milk Stout Bottle 
New Holland Dragons Milk Crimson KeepImperial Red Ale11%BottleYes
New Holland Dragons Milk Reserve Cherry ChocolateAmerican Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragons Milk Reserve Raspberry HibiscusBourbon Barrel Aged Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragons Milk Reserve Raspberry HibiscusBourbon Barrel Aged Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragons Milk Reserve Scotch Barrel Aged Stout with Marshmallow & Dark ChocolateImperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragons Milk Reserve with Coffee & ChocolateAmerican Imperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragons Milk Reserve with RaspberriesImperial Stout10%Draught 
New Holland Dragons Milk Reserve: Chocolate Marshmallow and Graham CrackerAmerican Imperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragons Milk Tales of GoldImperial Blonde11%Draught 
New Holland Dragons Milk Triple MashAmerican Imperial Stout14%Bottle 
New Holland Dragons Milk Vanilla ChaiImperial Stout11%Bottle 
New Holland Dragons Milk Vanilla ChaiImperial Stout11%Draught 
New Holland Dragons Milk with ChiliesAmerican Strong Ale10%Draught 
New Holland Dragons Milk: Tales of GoldImperial Golden Ale11%BottleYes
New Holland El Mole OchoHerbed/Spiced Beer8%Bottle 
New Holland El Mole OchoHerbed/Spiced Beer8%Draught 
New Holland EnviousFruit Ale7.5%Bottle 
New Holland EnviousFruit Ale7.5%Draught 
New Holland ExistentialIndia Pale Ale10.5%Draught 
New Holland Farmhouse HatterBelgian IPA Bottle 
New Holland Farmhouse HatterBelgian IPA Draught 
New Holland FlightStout Flight 
New Holland Four WitchesSaison7.3%Bottle 
New Holland Four WitchesSaison7.3%Draught 
New Holland Full CircleKolsch4.9%Bottle 
New Holland Full CircleKolsch4.9%Draught 
New Holland Golden Cap SaisonSaison Draught 
New Holland Hazy RiverNew England IPA5.9%Can 
New Holland HopivoreFresh Hop Ale6%Bottle 
New Holland HopivoreFresh Hop Ale6%Draught 
New Holland Hoptronix Double IPADouble IPA9%Can 
New Holland Hoptronix Double IPADouble IPA9%Draught 
New Holland IchabodAle4.5%Can 
New Holland Ichabod PumpkinSeasonal Ale4.5%Bottle 
New Holland Ichabod PumpkinPumpkin Ale4.5%Draught 
New Holland Imperial HatterImperial IPA9.4%Bottle 
New Holland Imperial HatterIndia Pale Ale9.4%Draught 
New Holland IncorrigibleSour Ale4.9%Draught 
New Holland Incorrigible ReserveSour Ale4.5%Bottle 
New Holland Incorrigible ReserveSour Ale4.5%Draught 
New Holland King SaisonSaison6.6%Bottle 
New Holland King SaisonSaison6.6%Draught 
New Holland LightpointAmerican Wheat3.7%Can 
New Holland Lightpoint White AleAmerican Wheat3.7%Draught 
New Holland Lost DuneFruit Ale5.5%Draught 
New Holland LucidKolsch Bottle 
New Holland Mad Hatter IPAIndia Pale Ale7%Bottle 
New Holland Mad Hatter IPAAmerican IPA7%Can 
New Holland Mad Hatter IPAIndia Pale Ale7%Cask 
New Holland Mad Hatter IPAIndia Pale Ale7%Draught 
New Holland Michigan HatterPale Ale Draught 
New Holland MischievousWild Ale5.5%Bottle 
New Holland MischievousWild Ale5.5%Draught 
New Holland Monkey KingSaison5.6%Draught 
New Holland Night TripperImperial Stout10.8%Bottle 
New Holland Night TripperImperial Stout10.8%Draught 
New Holland Oaked Mad Hatter IPAImperial IPA Bottle 
New Holland Oaked Mad Hatter IPAIndia Pale Ale Draught 
New Holland PaleoozaPale Ale5.8%Bottle 
New Holland PaleoozaPale Ale5.8%Draught 
New Holland Passion BlasterAmerican Wheat6%Can 
New Holland Passion Blaster Rose AleFruit Ale6%Draught 
New Holland Pilgrims DoleBarley Wine11.4%Draught 
New Holland Rye HatterIndia Pale Ale6.5%Bottle 
New Holland Rye HatterIndia Pale Ale6.5%Draught 
New Holland Sour AttitudeSour Ale6%Draught 
New Holland Sour Inc. Grape GoseGose4.5%Draught 
New Holland Sour Inc. Sour Stout with CherriesSour Stout6.7%Draught 
New Holland Sundog AmberAmber Ale Draught 
New Holland Tangerine Space MachineAmerican IPA6.8%Can 
New Holland Tangerine Space MachineAmerican IPA6.8%Draught 
New Holland Tasmanian HatterAmerican IPA7%Draught 
New Holland The Carhartt WoodsmanPale Ale4.4%Draught 
New Holland The PoetStout5.2%Bottle 
New Holland The PoetStout5.2%Draught 
New Holland Tripper NocheImperial Stout12.1%Draught 
New Holland White HatterBelgian Pale Ale5.5%Bottle 
New Holland White HatterBelgian Pale Ale5.5%Draught 
New Holland/Terrapin Social PotionWeizen-bock7%Draught 
Sweetwater Dank Tank Some StrangeBlack IPA Draught 
zzNew Holland Black TulipBelgian Strong Ale Draught 
zzNew Holland El Mole OchoStout8%Draught 
zzNew Holland EnviousFruit Ale7.5%Bottle 
zzNew Holland Night TripperImperial Stout10.8%Bottle 

150 beers found