> Styles > Double Hazy IPA

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Fort Worth: 1 available
Raleigh: 1 available
Memphis: 1 available
San Antonio: 1 available


Beer NameCountryABVServingStocked
American Solera The Magic TouchUnited States8.2%Draught 
Anchorage Use Your HeadUnited States8.4%Unknown 
Appalachian Mountain Fog JuiceUnited States8%Draught 
Burlington Beer Fourth ColourUnited States8%Can 
Celestial Beerworks DracoUnited States8%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Energy TransferUnited States8%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks HeliophysicsUnited States8%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Nine Miles of DiamondUnited States8%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks One Giant LeapUnited States8%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Sell The TeamUnited States7.7%DraughtYes
Celestial Beerworks Two Truths and A LieUnited States8%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks x Jester King PharmhashUnited States8.5%Draught 
Deschutes Symphonic Chronic Pineapple ExpressUnited States9%CanYes
Equilibrium 18 DecillionUnited States8.5%Can 
Equilibrium Ten CubedUnited States8.5%Draught 
Lost Coast Ghost Hazy Double IPAUnited States8%Draught 
Lost Forty Tanooki SuitUnited States10.4%Draught 
Modern Times Beer Alien RadioUnited States8%Can 
Mythic Dank AliensUnited States8%Draught 
Ology So Long, PartnerUnited States8%Draught 
Other Half DDH Strata DaydreamUnited States8.5%Can 
Other Half Ticker ShockUnited States8.2%Can 
Roughtail Boggy Creek Monster's CravatUnited States8.9%Draught 
Roughtail Ogopogo Go-Go's Hazy DIPAUnited States8.25%Can 
Saloon Door Double DocUnited States9%Draught 
Shiner Wicked HazeUnited States9.5%Can 
Sloop Juicier Bomb (can)United States8%Can 
Southern Grist TWA (TN Whale Association)United States7.9%Can 
Southern Tier 2XHAZEUnited States8.2%Draught 
Stone Enjoy By 04.20.21United States9%Draught 
Stone Enjoy By 04.20.22United States9%Draught 
Stone Enjoy By 4.20.22United States9%Draught 
Sweetwater G13 Dank Double Hazy IPAUnited States9%CanYes
Sweetwater HAZY DBL IPAUnited States8.5%Can 
The Veil Good Morning AnxietyUnited States8.5%Draught 
Tripping Animals CrawdaddyUnited States8.4%Draught 
WeldWerks Love That Hop For YouUnited States8.1%DraughtYes

37 beers found