> Styles > New England Hazy IPA

Parent Category: IPA

Style Traits:


Little Rock: 1 available
Raleigh: 4 available
Houston: 1 available
Memphis: 1 available
Cordova: 1 available


Beer NameCountryABVServingStocked
21st Amendment Pumpkin Haze IPAUnited States6.8%Can 
3 Nations 1.21 GigawattsUnited States6%Draught 
Alesmith x Modern Times Cosmic OmnibusUnited States6.8%Bottle 
American Solera Wolf TreatzUnited States6%Draught 
AquaBrew DDH SkyscraperUnited States7%Draught 
Avery Nomadic DreamerUnited States6.7%Draught 
Avery Nomadic DreamerUnited States6.7%Can 
Beale Street Thrill Is OnUnited States6.5%Draught 
Bells Hazy Hearted IPAUnited States7.5%Can 
Bike Rack Biking Kviking Summer EditionUnited States7.7%Draught 
Birdsong HazeologyUnited States6.5%Draught 
Blowing Rock Cloud Rise Hazy IPAUnited States7.2%Draught 
Braxton Tropic FlareUnited States6.8%Draught 
Braxton Tropic FlareUnited States6.8%Can 
Brazos Valley Hazy Does ItUnited States6.5%Draught 
Brazos Valley Mama Tries StratacasterUnited States5.2%Draught 
Burlington Beer Co. Destroyed By Hibiscus PowersUnited States7%Draught 
Burlington Beer Co. Radical CandorUnited States6.2%Draught 
Burlington Beer Company Time of the ChimpanzeeUnited States6.5%Draught 
Burlington Beer Creatures of MagicUnited States6.5%Can 
Burlington Beer Time of the ChimpanzeeUnited States6.5%Can 
Burlington Creatures of MagicUnited States6.5%Draught 
Cabarrus Airbrush T-Shirt Tropical IPAUnited States6.7%Draught 
Captain Lawrence Mood: Awakening NEIPAUnited States8.5%Can 
Celestial Beerworks Commitment to Sparkle MotionUnited States10%Can 
Celestial Beerworks Magnet QuenchUnited States6.5%Can 
Celestial Beerworks Magnet QuenchUnited States6.5%Draught 
Collective Arts Life In The CloudsCanada6.1%CanYes
Community CommonwealthUnited States8%Can 
Community Hop Unity: BlueUnited States8%Can 
Community Medical Grade HazeUnited States7.7%Draught 
Community Orange DreamsicleUnited States8.1%Can 
Coronado/Maui Brewing Tropical Tide IPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
Destihl Deadhead Series: Looks Like HazeUnited States7%Draught 
Destihl The Haze BetweenUnited States7.7%Draught 
Dogfish Head Nordic SpringUnited States6.5%Can 
Elysian Contact HazeUnited States6%Can 
Equal Parts CarinaUnited States7.8%Draught 
Equal Parts VelaUnited States7.3%Draught 
Equilibrium Chaos TheoryUnited States6.5%Draught 
Fair State Coop Sellout MoveUnited States6.3%Can 
Fair State Corporate Sellout MoveUnited States6.3%Draught 
Fair State Hack the GibsonUnited States6.5%Draught 
Fair State Party ForwardUnited States6%Draught 
Family Business Supe JuiceUnited States6%Draught 
Family Business Supe JuiceUnited States6%Can 
Fat Orange Cat Baby KittensUnited States6.5%Can 
Firestone Walker Melon ConspiracyUnited States6%Can 
Firestone Walker Mind Haze Citrus CycloneUnited States6.2%Can 
Firestone Walker Mind Haze Hopical CrushUnited States6.2%Can 
Firestone Walker Mind Haze Tiki SmashUnited States6.2%Can 
Firestone Walker Mind Haze Tiki SmashUnited States6.2%Draught 
Founders 4 Giants Tropical TreasureUnited States7.5%Draught 
Great Divide Experimental IPAUnited States6.4%Can 
Great Heights CharlieUnited States6.6%Draught 
Great Heights Friday SlidesUnited States6%Draught 
Great Heights Jen & Barry's Vermont Style IPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
Great Notion Call WaitingUnited States6.3%Draught 
Heist Strange CloudsUnited States7.1%Draught 
Hi Wire Super Haze Hazy IPAUnited States6.5%Draught 
Hi-Wire big BoyUnited States7%Draught 
Highwheel Haze the LordUnited States6.5%Draught 
Holler Back in the Sabro AgainUnited States6.6%Draught 
Jackie O's See FoamUnited States7%Can 
Lakewood GoddessUnited States6.7%Draught 
Lakewood GoddessUnited States6.7%Can 
Lakewood Melon Ballet IPAUnited States6.9%Draught 
Lakewood Melon Ballet IPAUnited States6.9%Can 
Lazy Magnolia SunFox IPAUnited States6%Can 
Living Waters NymphUnited States7.5%Draught 
Maui OMG Hazy IPAUnited States7%Can 
Meddlesome Nuance is DeadUnited States6.2%Draught 
Modern Times Dingo MagicUnited States6.5%Can 
Modern Times ElectrojetUnited States6.8%Can 
Modern Times Getaway DinosaurUnited States6.7%Draught 
Modern Times Infinite PatienceUnited States6.8%Can 
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Cashmerize IPAUnited States7.5%Can 
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Cryo IPAUnited States7.8%Draught 
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger: 1985 Mango IPAUnited States6.7%DraughtYes
New Heights Little Ms TipsyUnited States6.4%Draught 
ODD Muse One ImpulseUnited States7%Can 
Other Half Hot DogUnited States6.6%Can 
Other Half RabeUnited States5.5%Can 
Other Half Space DreamUnited States6%Can 
Other Half WhizUnited States6.5%Can 
Outer Range Fresh Palette IPAUnited States7.2%Draught 
Outer Range PastelsUnited States6.9%Draught 
Ozark HazeUnited States6%Can 
Pinthouse Pizza Electric JellyfishUnited States6.5%Can 
Pinthouse Pizza Training BinesUnited States7.2%Can 
Rahr & Sons Hazy DCUnited States6.7%Can 
Real Ale Hop SprocketUnited States7%Draught 
Real Ale Hop SprocketUnited States7%Can 
Roughtail Boom Boom Boom BoomUnited States7.6%Draught 
Roughtail Magnetic DisturbanceUnited States6.8%Draught 
Sierra Nevada Juicy Little ThingUnited States6.5%Can 
Sierra Nevada Tropical Little ThingUnited States7%Can 
Sixpoint HootieUnited States5.4%Can 
Sloop Citra BombUnited States6.5%CanYes
Sloop Citra BombUnited States6.5%Can 
Sloop Juice Bomb Northeastern IPAUnited States6.5%Can 
Sloop Mosaic BombUnited States6.5%CanYes
Sloop Simcoe BombUnited States6.5%CanYes
Smith & Lentz Sparks Joy IPAUnited States6%Draught 
Soul & Spirits HopperbolicUnited States6.7%Draught 
Southern Grist Practical SubstitutesUnited States6%Draught 
Southern Range Now That's What I Call Juice - Guava IPAUnited States6.9%Draught 
Southern Range Tiny Ass UmbrellaUnited States6.5%Can 
Southern Tier Lake Shore Fog Hazy IPAUnited States6.5%Can 
Sun Lab Keep the World GreenUnited States7%Draught 
Sun Lab Keep the World GreenUnited States7%Can 
Texas Beer Co. Hop RodeoUnited States7.5%Draught 
The Brewing Projekt Summer VibesUnited States6.5%Can 
The Brewing Projekt Things of That Nature: Their, They're, ThereUnited States6.9%Can 
The Veil Master ShredderUnited States5.5%Can 
The Veil Master Shredder: Enhanced IPAUnited States5.5%Draught 
Toppling Goliath Radiant Haze IPAUnited States7%Draught 
Trophy Cut From A Different ClothUnited States6.2%Draught 
Turning Point Primo JuiceUnited States6.5%Draught 
Turning Point Primo JuiceUnited States6.5%Can 
Untitled Art Hazy IIPAUnited States8%Draught 
Untitled Art Hazy IIPAUnited States8%Can 
Untitled Art Juice Drop: Tangerine TalusUnited States7.5%Can 
Untitled Art Juice Drops: Peach Nectaron IPAUnited States7.5%Can 
Untitled Art Juice Drops: Prickly Pear StrataUnited States7.5%Draught 
Untitled Art JuiceDrops Prickly Pear StrataUnited States7.5%Can 
Urban South x Frost Town Brewing Punch ItUnited States5.3%Can 
Wanderlinger Dead ParrotUnited States7.5%Draught 
Weathered Souls Keep On BloomingUnited States8%Draught 
Weldwerks Juicy BitsUnited States6.7%DraughtYes
Wild Acre Hazy IPAUnited States7.7%Bottle 
Wild Acre Juice Slinger IPAUnited States7%Can 
Wiseacre Bow EchoUnited States7%DraughtYes
Xul Paper CrownsUnited States6.8%Can 
Xul Paper CrownsUnited States6.8%DraughtYes

135 beers found