> Styles > Japanese Rice Lager

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Houston: 2 available
Memphis: 1 available


Beer NameCountryABVServingStocked
Asahi Super DryJapan5%Can 
Belching Beaver Lucky YouUnited States5%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Stare at the SunUnited States5%Draught 
Celestial Beerworks Stare at the SunUnited States5%Can 
Cinder Block Yuzu BiurUnited States4.5%Draught 
Coronado Nado Japanese LagerUnited States4.5%Draught 
Dogfish Head Tasty TravelerUnited States5%Can 
Ecliptic Moon Series: Japanese Rice LagerUnited States4.8%Draught 
Equal Parts KaizenUnited States4.6%Can 
Equal Parts KaizenUnited States4.6%Draught 
Equal Parts Kaizen (SLOW POUR)United States4.6%Draught 
Eureka Heights Lucky LifeUnited States5.1%Can 
Evil Twin NYC Purple Rice LagerUnited States5%Can 
False Idol Lucky WolfUnited States4.5%Can 
Fass Zen GardenUnited States5%Draught 
Great Divide SamuraiUnited States5%CanYes
Great Heights Rice LagerUnited States4.6%Draught 
Heist x Corporate Ladder Company TheftUnited States4.7%Draught 
Japas Nama BiiruBrazil4.9%DraughtYes
Japas Yuzu Nama Biiru Rice LagerBrazil4.9%Can 
Jester King Nani Rice LagerUnited States4.8%Can 
Jester King Nani?! Japanese Rice LagerUnited States4.8%Draught 
Lakewood Live - Vol 2United States7%Draught 
Lakewood Live Vol. 2United States7%Can 
Living Waters TakiUnited States4.3%Can 
Manhattan Project RedactedUnited States5%Draught 
Meanwhile Brewing Co. Japanese LagerUnited States4.9%Draught 
Meanwhile Brewing Co. Morning SunUnited States4.9%Draught 
Modern Times Art of MistUnited States5%Can 
No Label Hard Hats & 6 PacksUnited States4.5%Draught 
Oddwood Yuki-OnnaUnited States5.2%Can 
Peticolas Ten Foot PoleUnited States5%Draught 
Real Ale Three on the TreeUnited States4.8%Can 
Real Ale Three on the TreeUnited States4.8%Draught 
Resident Culture Soft Kiss Rice LagerUnited States4.8%Can 
Skull Mechanix Horimana DryUnited States4.2%Draught 
Texas Sake Company JunmaiUnited States14%Draught 
Texas Sake Company Junmai - PomegranateUnited States14%Draught 
Tripping Animals x Bluejacket The Lucky CricketUnited States5%Draught 
Trophy Featherweight ChampUnited States5.1%Draught 
Trophy x Hi Wire TomodachiUnited States11.2%Draught 
True Anomaly Kitty HawkUnited States4.3%Draught 
Westbrook Rice Crispy BoiUnited States5%Can 
Wiseacre Irusu Rice LagerUnited States4%Draught 

44 beers found