> Styles > English Brown Ale

Parent Category: Amber

Style Traits:


Fort Worth: 1 available
Memphis: 1 available
Charlotte: 1 available


Beer NameCountryABVServingStocked
Against the Grain Brown NoteUnited States5%Draught 
AleSmith Nut BrownUnited States5%Bottle 
AleSmith Nut BrownUnited States5%CanYes
AleSmith Nut BrownUnited States5%DraughtYes
Black Abbey Guy FawkesUnited States5%Can 
Blackstone Nut Brown AleUnited States5.6%Bottle 
Bohannan Nut Brown AleUnited States Draught 
Cinder Block Coffee Hop'dUnited States4.7%Draught 
DuClaw EuforiaUnited States5%Can 
Edmund's Oast Comfy Arm ChairUnited States4.7%Can 
Flying Dog Tamarind AleUnited States7%Bottle 
Hi-Wire Bed of Nails BrownUnited States6.1%CanYes
Maplewood Brownie PointsUnited States5.7%Draught 
Maplewood Brownie Points (NITRO)United States5.7%Draught 
Oak Highlands Tejano PecanoUnited States6.2%Can 
Oak Highlands Tejano PecanoUnited States6.2%Draught 
Peticolas The Ghost Of Alfred BrownUnited States5.5%Draught 
Pig Pounder Boar BrownUnited States5%Cask 
Pig Pounder Boar BrownUnited States5%Bottle 
Salty Parrot Take a Cookie Brown AleUnited States7.5%Draught 
Samuel Smith Nut Brown AleGreat Britain5%CanYes
Sierra Blanca Bone ChillerUnited States5%Draught 
Starr Hill Last Leaf Maple BrownUnited States6.1%Draught 
Stone's Throw 2 Swallows Toasted Coconut BrownUnited States6%Draught 
Stone's Throw Brownstone BrownUnited States5%Draught 
Texas Beer Refinery Bayou City BrownUnited States3.8%Draught 
The Dudes Brewing Grandma's PecanUnited States6.9%Draught 
The Dudes Brewing Grandma's Pecan BrownUnited States6.9%Can 
Wanderlinger Go ForthUnited States6%Draught 
Weyerbacher Winter AleUnited States5.6%Draught 
Wooden Robot Winter VibesUnited States4.8%Draught 
zzPeticolas The Ghost Of Alfred BrownUnited States Draught 

32 beers found