> How to Login

The easiest way to determine your login ID number is to print a chit. The login number is the 6 digits at the end below the barcode, circled in red below:

Unfortunately, it seems most Flying Saucer locations no longer let you print chits. If you cannot print a chit to get your ID number, you need to capture it from your browser's network traffic in the developer window. To do this, follow the following steps:

  1. Go to https://www.beerknurd.com/user but do not log in.
  2. Press F12 (Chrome on a desktop is best for this) to bring up the DevTools window
  3. Click the Network tab (fourth from the left near the top of the window)
  4. Log into your account
  5. Watch the DevTools window Network tab. There should soon be a request that is just a 6-digit number, probably right after another number (which is usually 5 digits but sometimes more), with the line circled in red below. This may say "(pending)" for a bit in the next column if you have had a lot of beers. This is your ID number (403222 in this screenshot):