> Brewers > False Idol Brewing

City: North Richland Hills, Texas
Location: TX
Country: United States


Fort Worth: 1 available
The Lake: 3 available


False Idol #FreeHasbullaImperial IPA8.3%Draught 
False Idol + Social Project If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home AlreadyDouble New England IPA8.7%Draught 
False Idol 2 Live & Die in LAWest Coast IPA7%Can 
False Idol 2 Live & Die in LAWest Coast IPA7%Draught 
False Idol A Beer About NothingNew England IPA8.3%Draught 
False Idol AconitumAmerican Imperial Stout16%Draught 
False Idol Banquet BoyAmerican Light Lager5.6%Can 
False Idol Banquet BoyAmerican Light Lager5.6%Draught 
False Idol Bark PartyTriple Hazy IPA10.5%Draught 
False Idol Because the InternetGerman Pilsner5.5%Draught 
False Idol Blue MagicDDH Imperial New England IPA8.3%Can 
False Idol Blue MagicDouble New England IPA8.3%Draught 
False Idol Boom ShayDDH Double Hazy IPA8.2%Can 
False Idol Boom ShayDouble Dry-Hopped Imperial New England IPA8.2%Draught 
False Idol Crispy By NaturePilsner4.8%Can 
False Idol Crispy By NatureGerman Pilsner4.8%Draught 
False Idol Cut the Red TapeDouble New England IPA8.2%Can 
False Idol Cut the Red TapeNew England Imperial IPA8.2%Draught 
False Idol Deep In ThoughtImperial NEIPA10.5%Draught 
False Idol Delicate DefianceBrett Saison7%Draught 
False Idol DemogorgonAmerican Imperial Stout13%Draught 
False Idol Double DownImperial Stout13%Can 
False Idol Driving 88Triple New England IPA10.5%Draught 
False Idol Duck SauceTriple New England IPA10.2%Draught 
False Idol Dynamic DuoDouble New England IPA8.5%Draught 
False Idol Eight One SevenDark Lager5%Can 
False Idol Eight One SevenDark Lager5%Draught 
False Idol Employee AgreementNew England IPA7.5%Draught 
False Idol Energy (Riwaka)New England IPA6.5%Draught 
False Idol Energy Cold IPA (Mosaic)Cold IPA7%Draught 
False Idol Energy--PeacherineCold IPA7%Can 
False Idol Eyes Up GuardianBrett Saison6%Draught 
False Idol Fenris ParkHefeweizen5.5%Can 
False Idol Fenris ParkHefeweizen5.5%Draught 
False Idol Fenris ParkHefeweizen5%Draught 
False Idol FluffensteinAmerican Imperial Stout13%Draught 
False Idol Flying DutchmenSaison6.5%Draught 
False Idol Football is DeathHazy Pale Ale5.5%Can 
False Idol Football Is Death!Hazy Pale Ale5.5%Draught 
False Idol Ghost Eye Apricot MangoFruited Sour6.5%Draught 
False Idol Ghost Eye Raspberry CrumbleBerliner Weisse6.5%Can 
False Idol Ghost Eye: Blueberry CrumbleBerliner-weisse6.5%Draught 
False Idol Ghost Eye: Cherry PieBerliner Weisse6.5%Can 
False Idol Ghost Eye: Cherry PieBerliner Weisse6.5%Draught 
False Idol Ghost Eye: Cranberry CrumbleBerliner Weisse6.5%Draught 
False Idol Ghost Eye: Double Berry CobblerFruited Sour6.5%Draught 
False Idol Ghost Eye: Party PunchBerliner Weisse6.5%Draught 
False Idol Gold SchoolOld Ale11.5%Can 
False Idol Golf WangIndia Pale Ale7.6%Draught 
False Idol Hit Em HighDouble Hazy New England IPA8.2%Draught 
False Idol HolopuckDDH Imperial New England IPA8.3%Draught 
False Idol Ima Fix WolvesNew England Pale Ale5.5%Draught 
False Idol Jimmy Pesto's RevengeNew England Double IPA8.3%Can 
False Idol Jimmy Pesto's RevengeDDH Imperial New England IPA8.3%Draught 
False Idol Kindred SpiritScotch Ale/ Wee Heavy8%CanYes
False Idol Kindred SpiritScotch Ale/ Wee Heavy8%Draught 
False Idol Kitchen LightsDDH West Coast IPA7%Draught 
False Idol L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.Saison6%Draught 
False Idol Law Enforcement CheetahIndia Pale Lager7%Draught 
False Idol Let Me Fly!New England Imperial IPA8.3%Draught 
False Idol Life of an OutlawDDH Double IPA8.2%Can 
False Idol Little NeroNew England Imperial IPA10.2%Draught 
False Idol Live from the MoonWest Coast IPA7%Draught 
False Idol Lonestar BadgerRye Pilsner4.5%Draught 
False Idol Lucky WolfJapanese Rice Lager4.5%Can 
False Idol MamarettoBerliner Weisse8%Can 
False Idol MamarettoBerliner Weisse8%Draught 
False Idol MeditateHazy Double IPA8.5%Can 
False Idol MeditateImperial Hazy IPA8.5%Draught 
False Idol Midnight LunchImperial Stout12%Draught 
False Idol MonstroImperial Stout17%Draught 
False Idol Moon Hounds- Blueberry CrumbleFruited Berliner Wiesse9.5%Draught 
False Idol Mr. EarlybirdSaison6%Draught 
False Idol MunchImperial Stout10.3%Draught 
False Idol My RoyaltiesDouble New England IPA8.5%Draught 
False Idol Name on a CloudWest Coast IPA7%Can 
False Idol OG BuffImperial Stout13%Draught 
False Idol Papa SmurfBerliner-weisse6.5%Draught 
False Idol Party PunchBerliner Weisse6.5%Draught 
False Idol PicassoAmerican Imperial Stout11%Draught 
False Idol PresumptiousBaltic Porter7.5%Draught 
False Idol Prison RealmHazy Imperial IPA8%DraughtYes
False Idol RagnarokHazy IPA6.5%Can 
False Idol RagnarokNew England IPA6.5%Draught 
False Idol Release the WargsTriple Hazy IPA10.5%Draught 
False Idol Respect My AuthoritahNew England IPA8.2%Draught 
False Idol Return of the StackImperial Stout14%Draught 
False Idol Ridah AmbitionzWest Coast IPA7.5%Draught 
False Idol Robbin' LiberaceNew England IPA8.3%Draught 
False Idol Route 26Radler4%CanYes
False Idol Royal Tea TimeSaison6%Draught 
False Idol Shabooya Roll CallBrett Saison6.5%Bottle 
False Idol Shoryuken Birthday BrosLager5%Draught 
False Idol Shotty BBlonde Ale5%Draught 
False Idol Smash for StacheNew England IPA6.5%Draught 
False Idol Snow's GhostImperial Hazy IPA8.4%Draught 
False Idol Spirit of EnergyImperial New England IPA8.3%Draught 
False Idol Squirtle SquadFarmhouse Saison7%Draught 
False Idol Stylin'Berliner-weisse6.5%Draught 
False Idol SuaveFruited Sour6.5%Draught 
False Idol Terp 2.0 Lime Sparkling WaterNon-Alcoholic0%Can 
False Idol The GoatBock7%Can 
False Idol The GoatBock7%Draught 
False Idol The Monster InsideDDH Double Hazy IPA8.3%Draught 
False Idol The MultiverseImperial New England IPA8.5%Draught 
False Idol The SnapImperial Coffee Stout13%Draught 
False Idol The SwiftnessFestbier5.6%Draught 
False Idol The ZenithImperial IPA8.3%DraughtYes
False Idol ThiriNew England Imperial IPA8.2%Draught 
False Idol Three Swords StyleImperial New England IPA8.2%Draught 
False Idol Thunder ThiolAmerican Pilsner5.3%Draught 
False Idol Tombstone PiledriverHazy Triple IPA10.3%Draught 
False Idol Trade EmbargoNew England Imperial IPA8.5%Draught 
False Idol Trust Fund BabyMilkshake IPA9%Draught 
False Idol Twilight of the GodsNew England IPA6.5%Draught 
False Idol Tyr's OathHazy Pale Ale5.5%Can 
False Idol Tyr's OathNew England Pale Ale5.5%Draught 
False Idol VadillaImperial Stout13%Draught 
False Idol VecnaAmerican Imperial Stout13%Draught 
False Idol Viva Los Vaquerosmexican lager4.8%Can 
False Idol Viva Los Vaquerosmexican lager4.8%Draught 
False Idol Viva Los VaquerosVienna Lager4.8%Draught 
False Idol WarholImperial Stout11.3%Draught 
False Idol Welcome to EarthDouble New England IPA8%Draught 
False Idol Wild CardTriple New England IPA10.5%Can 
False Idol Wolf Fang FistDry-Hopped India Pale Ale7%Can 
False Idol Wolf HunterPilsner5%Can 
False Idol World EaterImperial New England IPA8.2%Draught 
False Idol x Celestial Beerworks Stario Bros.Oak Aged Pilsner5.4%Draught 
False Idol x Prairie Idle Bomb!Imperial Stout14%Draught 
False Idol x Wooden Robot Idle RobotDry Hopped Pilsner6.5%Draught 
False Idol You Know Chata?DDH Triple New England IPA9.7%Can 
False Idol You Know Chata?Triple New England IPA9.7%Draught 
False Idol Zoes and ZeldasHazy Double IPA8.5%Can 
False Idol Zombieland Rule 32Imperial New England IPA8.2%Draught 
Texas Spotlight Flight: False IdolFlight Flight 

136 beers found