> Foothills IPA of the Month - August

Style:American IPA
Brewer:Foothills Brewing Co.
Country:United States
Description:Foothills August IPA is a tribute to, Spot. Over a quarter million pets were displaced by Hurricane Katrina, one of those a tiny little Dalmatian puppy. If she could, Spot would certainly sing the praises of her IPA, melodically dry-hopped with Simcoe and Sorachi Ace for plenty of orange and lemon high notes. ABV: 5.8%
Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2015-08-05
Last Seen:2015-08-15
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Charlotte:2015-08-08 to 2015-08-15
Raleigh:2015-08-06 to 2015-08-11