> Deschutes Jubel 10

Style:American Strong Ale
Brewer:Deschutes Brewery
Bend, OR
Country:United States
Description:Jubel 10 is a "once a decade" ale, a stronger, more intense version of the regular seasonal release JubelAle. Jubel 10 is essentially a double-strength winter ale with a more deeply dynamic presentation of the flavors JubelAle had. This beer is a rare treat as it is only brewed once every 10 years. 10% ABV
Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2015-06-11
Last Seen:2017-09-04
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Houston:2017-05-20 to 2017-09-04
2017-01-31 to 2017-02-24
2016-12-31 to 2017-01-02
2015-06-11 to 2015-06-12