> Pretty Things Baby Tree

Brewer:Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project
Somerville, MA
Country:United States
Description:Somewhat inspired by Easter, Baby Tree is Pretty Things take on a Belgian Quad. It pours an opaque brown body with an off white head. The aroma has notes of dried fruits, lots of plums, caramel malts, and a bit of yeast. Flavor was mostly sweet, but not overly cloying. There is a slight bitterness to the finish but is mainly overwhelmed by the heavy dose of malts used. 9% ABV
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First Seen:2015-04-03
Last Seen:2015-10-30
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Kansas City:2015-08-09 to 2015-08-27
St Louis:2015-04-06 to 2015-10-30