> Duck Rabbit 10th Anniversary Anarchy

Style:Strong Ale
Brewer:Duck Rabbit Brewery
Farmville, NC
Country:United States
Description:Farmvilles Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery is celebrating its first decade with a special beer: Duck-Rabbit 10th Anniversary Barrel-Aged Anarchy, a hand-selected blend of the best of the brewerys stock of rare barrel-aged beers. Each of the beers chosen for the blend has been aged in wooden barrels that previously held bourbon in Kentucky distilleries; the process allows the beer to pick up flavors from the bourbon previously stored in the barrel as well as the wood of the barrel itself; producing a complex flavor and aroma profile. 10 abv
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First Seen:2015-01-15
Last Seen:2015-03-14
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Charlotte:2015-01-15 to 2015-01-30
Raleigh:2015-03-07 to 2015-03-13