> Full Sail 27th Anniversary Wheat Wine

Style:Wheat Wine
Brewer:Full Sail Brewing Co.
Hood River, OR.
Country:United States
Description:Brewed for Full Sail’s 27th anniversary, the Wheat Wine style ale strays from the norm by using 100% wheat and no barley at all. With a complex blend of apricot, tangerine, and an array of spices, this beer goes down smooth with a lingering caramel and molasses aftertaste. 9.5% ABV
Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2015-01-24
Last Seen:2015-10-26
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Austin:2015-03-15 to 2015-06-21
Fort Worth:2015-02-28 to 2015-04-28
San Antonio:2015-02-25 to 2015-03-20
2015-02-03 to 2015-02-24
Sugar Land:2015-01-24 to 2015-01-26