> No Label Rye Saison

Style:Belgian Golden Ale
Brewer:No Label Brewing Co.
Katy, TX
Country:United States
Description:This particular Saison uses some Rye along with the typical Barley in the malt. It pours a beautiful golden color. The Rye used gives this beer exceptionally good head retention and lacing. The Rye also adds a definite sweet grain or cereal aroma and flavor to the beer and definitely adds to the dryness in the finish. It still contains the pepper and coriander flavors and aromas along with a light citrus taste of lemon zest that a Saison typically has. This beer is very refreshing although it is also fairly strong.
Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2012-11-02
Last Seen:2012-11-02
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits: