> Smuttynose Satchmo

Brewer:Smuttynose Brewery
Portsmouth, NH
Country:United States
Description:Satchmo, is a collaboration between Smuttynose and Portsmouth's Black Trumpet Bistro. It's also a collaboration between two fungi, brewer's yeast (sacchromyces cerevisiae) and black trumpet mushrooms (craterellus cornucopioides). Best described as a brown porter, Satchmo's base beer doesn't exhibit the roasty notes and black color of a porter nor does it have the rich caramelly sweetness of a brown ale; it falls somewhere between the two, but lacks the common taste signifiers of the two styles. The mushrooms heroically fill that flavor gap with a subtle earthiness and mouthfeel that can only be described as umami-licious.
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First Seen:2012-04-06
Last Seen:2012-04-24
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits: