> Amager Hr. Frederiksen

Style:Imperial Stout
Brewer:Amager Bryghus
Description:Named after a friend of the brewery, Peter Frederiksen, this beer is an Imperial Stout. Modeled after the American style, it is dense and creamy, with a light brown head that leaves a delicate lace in the glass. It uses 8 different varieties of malt with American Centennial to hops balance the roasty bitterness, and add floral, fruity aromas. 10.5%
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First Seen:2012-02-19
Last Seen:2018-11-24
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Fort Worth:2018-08-11 to 2018-11-24
2016-07-27 to 2017-01-15