> Sam Adams Infinium

Style:Biere de Champagne
Brewer:Boston Brewing Co
Boston, MA
Country:United States
Description:A collaboration between Sam Adams and Weihenstephan (the oldest brewery in the world), this is a Biere Brut/Biere de Champagne. Pours a clear light amber with a large white head. Well carbonated with fine small bubbles similar to sparkling wine. Up front aromas are grapes, bread, and citrus hops. Sweet malts, light spices, yeast, grapes, and banana make up the flavor profile. Medium in body with an effervescent mouthfeel, crack this one open to ring in the New Year! 10.3% ABV
Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2010-12-11
Last Seen:2012-12-13
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits: