> Unibroue 2005

Style:Dark Ale
Chambly, Quebec
Description:Strong Belgian Dark Ale that comes in a 750ml corked and caged brown magnum, vintage date of 2005 on the bottle. Murky brown with faint reddish highlights. Thin lacing holds a sticky ring. Estery and fusel alcohol are noticeable, ripe and sharp tropical fruit with suggestions of white peppercorn and parsley. Mildly crisp and somewhat smooth, medium body with a slickness on the tongue. Ripe fruit on top of a deep malt sweetness, mild phenols and a slightly brash alcohol keep the sweetness at bay. Finishes with little other than a lingering herbal and toasted malt flavor.
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First Seen:2005-08-30
Last Seen:2006-02-02
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits: