> Sweetwater Dank Tank Border Hopper

Style:Imperial IPA
Brewer:SweetWater Brewing Co.
Country:United States
Description:Pours a slightly hazy orange/gold with a solid white head. Aroma is a great blend of spicy and citrus hops with lemon and lime being the star of the show. The use of Citra hops are apparent in the flavor as well, with the grassy and citrus flavors up front, balanced by a bit of bready malt. Hoppy and delicious! Mouthfeel is medium and smooth, great carbonation and body turn this into one of the most drinkable double IPAs on the market. 8.6% ABV
Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2010-11-10
Last Seen:2010-11-12
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits: