> The Veil Ergonomic Gaming Mouse

Style:American Imperial Stout
Brewer:The Veil
Richmond, Virginia
Country:United States
Description:A big, roasty imperial stout brewed with coffee and cacao. Full-bodied, with flavors of roasted coffee and malty sweetness up front, balanced by a smooth creaminess, and a long, lingering finish. 10.3% ABV
Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2022-12-27
Last Seen:2023-06-27
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Cypress Waters:2023-06-27 to 2023-06-27
2023-01-19 to 2023-01-22
San Antonio:2023-04-27 to 2023-05-08
The Lake:2023-02-18 to 2023-03-01
2022-12-27 to 2023-01-02