> Southern Grist Loud Whispers

Style:Hazy Pale Ale
Brewer:Southern Grist Brewing
Nashville, TN
Country:United States
Description:Very hazy gold/yellow with massive foamy head and sticky lacing. Getting citrus, grapefruit, resin notes, some grapes, and grass. Up front you get a soft citrus hit with some light grape notes then a resin bitterness takes hold. Some pine notes and grassy notes remain on finish. Starts soft then the resin/bitterness takes hold, medium feel. 5.0% ABV
Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2022-09-23
Last Seen:2022-10-22
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Cordova:2022-09-23 to 2022-10-22