> Heist Grab Them By The Pink Boots

Style:Hazy IPA
Brewer:Heist Brewery
Charlotte, North Carolina
Country:United States

A hazy IPA, brewed with the Pink Boots Society hop blend. A hop blend created by Yakima Chief and the Pink Boots Society. Then Double dry hopped with a combination of Mosaic and Citra hops. Creating an orange zest, grapefruit pith, and a dank tropical experience. For more info on the Pink Boots Mission, please visit pinkbootssociety.org. Cheers to women in craft beer!  7.3% ABV

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First Seen:2022-03-29
Last Seen:2022-04-04
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Raleigh:2022-03-29 to 2022-04-04