> Founders Nemesis 2020

Brewer:Founders Brewing Co.
Grand Rapids, MI
Country:United States

This limited winter seasonal from Founders changes every year: 2010 vintage is an American Black Barleywine. Pours an extremely dark brown with a small tan head that dissapates quickly due the the alcohol present. Aroma is a combination of sweet figs, raisins, caramel and piney hops. Taste is alcohol up front followed by sweet dark malts, caramel, brown sugar, and a hint of coffee. Finishes slightly bitter and boozy: let this one warm a bit, it is a sipper. 12% ABV

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First Seen:2021-06-01
Last Seen:2021-08-17
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

The Lake:2021-06-01 to 2021-08-17