> Parish Attacus Atlas

Style:Imperial IPA
Broussard, Louisiana
Country:United States

This "Triple" IPA boasts massive aromas and a huge boozy profile.  Nose has a staunch warming alcohol nose along with a tropical fruit puree of a bevy of fruit notes including mango, pineapple and guava.  Bright citrus, brown sugar dipped pine resin, boozy candy sugar and melon notes.  Bitterness is big but not overwhelming and is quickly overtaken by boozy notes. Huge juicy full body with bright notes of citrus and pine on the finish.

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First Seen:2020-11-23
Last Seen:2020-12-27
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Houston:2020-11-23 to 2020-12-27
Sugar Land:2020-12-20 to 2020-12-23