> Rahr & Sons Black Sappath

Style:Imperial Milk Stout
Brewer:Rahr & Sons Brewery
Fort Worth, TX
Country:United States

Black Sappath is a chocolate milk stout aged in maple syrup barrels and finished with fresh blackberries.  Pous an opaque black with a creamy tan head.  The aromas are milk chocolate, toasted malt, caramel sweetness, and berries.  The taste is very reminiscent of the aromas.  You get the creamy chocolate and the sweetness from the maple syrup barrel with some oak and last but not least all berries.  The body is full and creamy.  The finish is pleasant with lingering notes of sweet maple and berries.  6.8% ABV

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First Seen:2020-04-29
Last Seen:2022-02-01
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

The Lake:2021-11-08 to 2022-02-01
2021-06-25 to 2021-07-26
2020-10-03 to 2020-12-10
2020-09-02 to 2020-09-21
2020-04-29 to 2020-05-02