> Elysian Salute the Sun

Style:American Pale Ale
Brewer:Elysian Brewing Company
Country:United States

Pours slightly hazed yellow.  The smell is strongly of hops and citrus. There are big orange, grapefruit and lime scents.  The flavor follows the nose. it has light biscuity grains and strong lime notes. Lighter citrus and floral hops. A bit of pepper, and then more aggressive lime at the finish and in the aftertaste. Relatively light bodied.  Pretty smooth coming in at 5.2% ABV.

Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2019-06-21
Last Seen:2019-07-10
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Addison:2019-07-09 to 2019-07-10
San Antonio:2019-07-09 to 2019-07-10
2019-06-29 to 2019-07-02
2019-06-21 to 2019-06-21