> Glutenberg IPA

Style:India Pale Ale
Brewer:Brasseurs Sans Gluten
Montreal, QC

This IPA substitutes malted barley with millet, buckwheat, and black rice to render it gluten free, and it manages to taste like an actual beer!   It pours a crystal clear, bright copper with substantial puffy off-hite head, which leaves an archipelago of lace around the glass as it evenly subsides. It smells of mildly acrid citrus pith, dank pine and leafy forest floor detritus, and a somewhat bready caramel malt.  The taste is much more variable - still heady orange and grapefruit hop bitters but with now breadier malt with some still prominent cereal and caramel notes, and a nondescript orchard fruitiness, and a further leafy mustiness. The body a surprisingly sturdy medium weight, and more or less smooth/  It finishes still fairly hoppy, those unspecified west coast big-C hops providing serious bang for the buck(wheat). 6%

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First Seen:2017-12-14
Last Seen:2023-07-30
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Columbia:2017-12-14 to 2018-05-13
San Antonio:2023-05-16 to 2023-07-30
2023-03-19 to 2023-05-15
2022-09-09 to 2022-11-11
2022-04-03 to 2022-08-27
Sugar Land:2021-07-25 to 2021-08-24