> 512 SMaSH IPA with Rosemary and Strawberry

Style:India Pale Ale
Brewer:(512) Brewing Co.
Austin, TX
Country:United States

SMaSH stands for Single Malt and Single Hop, and this variation is conditioned with rosemary and strawberry. This was a series where 512 explored certain individual hops against a common single malt background. After trying a bunch of our favorites they settled on mosaic hops for a while. With notes of lemon, peach & passionfruit, mosaic has a very pleasing bitterness and lasting aroma. Very little malt sweetness competes with the single hop making for a very refreshing drink that’s easy to enjoy.  5.3% ABV


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First Seen:2017-10-17
Last Seen:2017-10-28
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Addison:2017-10-17 to 2017-10-28