> Brooklyn Cloaking Device

Style:American Wild Ale
Brewer:Brooklyn Brewery
Brooklyn, NY
Country:United States

 Creamy looking but not a ton of head sticking around, some light haze. Aroma of minerals, dry bretty funk, mature oak, the slightest tang of fruit, and a nice black malt base, roasty and very dry, wood fired bread crusty. the flavor comes in waves, with the funky brett coming firstblack. Cherry, plum, dark cocoa all come to mind, coffee and char are also present from the malts..Medium bodied with a high level of carbonation. Creamy with a fairly drying finish. Alcohol is hidden pretty well. 10.5% ABV $$

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First Seen:2017-09-29
Last Seen:2019-07-25
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Columbia:2017-09-29 to 2017-10-20
Raleigh:2019-03-03 to 2019-07-25