> Gizmo Black Stiletto Stout CASK

Style:American Stout
Brewer:Gizmo BrewWorks
Raleigh, NC
Country:United States

A sexy, silky stout adds panache to any social situation, so they brewed Black Stiletto Stout with an eye toward style. Its creamy head smells sweetly of roasted barley and caramel before giving way to the full bodied blend of dark chocolate, toffee, and bready English ale yeast. Their choice ingredients create a rich and harmonious flavor profile that slides down the throat with a velvety mouthfeel. Robust but not filling, Black Stiletto Stout will make you do a double take. 6.1% abv

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First Seen:2017-02-17
Last Seen:2017-02-17
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits: