> Ecliptic Orange Giant

Style:Barleywine (American)
Brewer:Ecliptic Brewing
Portland, Oregon
Country:United States
Description:A very American barleywine with a hop-forward flavor profile and high abv. Pours deep amber and gives off a citrus-heavy aroma with a subtle caramel-like sweetness in the background. The flavors are similar with a good balance between hop profile and caramel-malt sweetness that masks a high alcohol content. Full bodied with a resinous finish. 12.5% abv.
Search:Search Google for Beer Advocate
First Seen:2016-02-17
Last Seen:2016-09-02
Available at:Not currently available
Style Traits:

Past Availability

Charlotte:2016-08-24 to 2016-09-02
2016-02-17 to 2016-02-27